Satya’s New Launched Drishti Sambrani Cup Dhoop helps to ward off the negative energy from home and have a spiritual connection, elevates positive energy and…
Satya Mahakaal Sambrani Cup is made from charcoal, resinoids and essence oils. The fragrance of Sambrani dhoop Stem is known to float its way throughout…
Satya Mallika Dhoop is a combination of chosen herbs, resins, and natural materials with a campherous powdery note which gives a nice soothing aroma to…
Satya Vaastushuddhi means purification of your living space. Certainly lengthy, time consuming, costly procedures, rituals, remedies have been prescribed for this common Hindu practice. We…
Satya Vaastu Shuddhi means purification of your living space. Certainly lengthy, time consuming, costly procedures, rituals, remedies have been prescribed for this common Hindu practice.We…